566 E. Maiden St.
Washington, PA15301
Making a Difference

Transportation to doctors' appointments, health care facilities, grocery stores, pharmacies, banks, and other locations are provided to those visually impaired persons who have no other available means of transportation.
For people with vision loss living independently, Vision Services offers the following services:
Support groups that provide a forum for contributing ideas, talking about feelings, and sharing practical information.
Life skills education designed to inform about community resources and services, health care and medical options, banking and home care.
Case management providing information and referrals to community resources and assistance with applications, mail, etc.
Advocacy in assisting individuals to effect real change in their personal lives; attempting to change policies, legislation and philosophies in relation to vision loss.
Provision of services listed above may be based on certain visual requirements.

The Prevention of Blindness Program and the Specialized Services Program are funded in part by the Pennsylvania State Department of Health and Human Services.
Vision Screenings
Adult Vision Screenings (Consent Form)
Preschool Vision Screenings - Young Children do not know how they should see and may never offer visual complaint. Screenings are done at Head Start Centers, Preschools, Nursery Schools, Daycare Centers, etc. (Consent Form)
Preschool Eye Safety Program, usually done in conjunction with preschool vision screenings.
4th Grade Eye Safety and Blindness Awareness Program
Speaker Service - Covering any eye-related topic, i.e., diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, care of the aging eye, etc.
Low Cost Optical Department
The Blind Association offers eye-wear at cost to individuals who meet income guidelines of the program. A current eyeglass prescription is required.

Managing Public Awareness and Communication between VSOWG and the Washington and Greene County Communities is important. Please contact the Vision Services of Washington-Greene's PUBLIC RELATIONS Department for the following:
Public Speaking Presentation for your Civic/Church/Health/Service/Education or Business Group.
Possible partnership between your organization and VSOWG.
Representation at your Health/Community Event.
Your desire to sponsor a Fundraiser or Special Event.
Assistive Technology
In a world of constant change, stay up to date with the latest assistive devices and technology. Enjoy one-on-one demonstrations and training.
Learn about accessibility features on everyday devices that may make difficult tasks easier.
Try the devices before you get them to make sure they do what you need to do.
Set up an appointment to try devices, email or call for more information.